Experimental Sigils: Retroactive Magick to Change the Past

  Welcome to another edition of experimental magick. These are some sigils designed with the intent of changing the past and shifting realities. This is totally new and experimental magick, I have no clue whether these will work or what sort of effects they may have. Use with caution!

These sigils were derived by me using planetary squares. For more information, read here: Planetary Magic Squares. Each planet is associated with a day of the week. 

Sunday = Sun 

Monday = Moon 

Tuesday = Mars 

Wednesday = Mercury 

Thursday = Jupiter 

Friday = Venus 

Saturday = Saturn

You can use these sigils anytime, but their power is amplified using the corresponding day or planetary hour. To calculate the planetary hours I use the app Planetaro. I also use the app Moon Phase to include the moon aswell. When the moon is waxing, i.e. growing, it is good for rituals to bring things closer to you. Waning, growing smaller, is to push things away. Full and New Moons are very powerful.

Timing things to astrology strengthens magick and I prefer to use it for big workings. But don't get too attached to it because it can become a hinderance. It isn't the end all be all. When you have a problem, don't wait around a month or two for the right planetary alignment. Get out there and do the magick! It will work.

Using these sigils is simple and easy. You activate them the same way you would any other sigil, whether a demonic spirit or an Austin Spare chaos magick sigil.

Focus on the artwork in the center of the sigil. Soften your gaze so that the sigil begins to get blurry with parts fading in and out. This is the trance state. In this trance state, imagine that you already have what you desire. Feel strongly the emotion you would feel if you had it. Focus on this for a while, generating strong emotions. Your emotions empower this magick. 

Try to focus on your desire for at least seventy-two seconds.

This is a Saturn square. This sigil is to change reality so that you grew to be over six feet tall. Just follow the directions above and chant, "I am six foot." Or whatever your desired height is. I wouldn't try to stretch it too much though.

This is a Sun sigil. This sigil is to have perfect teeth. If it works as intended it will erase any past of cavities etc. Follow the directions above and chant something to the affect of, "I have perfect teeth", "I have a beautiful smile."

Also a Sun sigil. This sigil is similar to the one above but is for perfect health in general.

A Venusian sigil. Don't giggle, you'll probably use this odd sigil. It is for a larger male member.

Another Saturn sigil. This sigil is to erase a past event. Think of the event you want erased, then think of what you wished had happened instead. Focus on what you wished had happened as you activate the sigil, chanting something appropriate to your goal.

The next two sigils are for shifting realities. The first one is a Saturn sigil, then second Venusian. Chant something like, "I have shifted realities", "I am in my desired reality."



My books:

Practical Elverum Magick: Black Magick Spells to Win Love, Protection, & Stop Thieves

Kindle ebook


Practical Psychic Vampirism

Kindle ebook



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